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Empowering your journey

Gym fashion







About the creators of Darmus

Natalie Darnell and Aras Mustafa, the owners of Darmus, had a vision to build a brand in an industry that they are deeply passionate about. They are two people who love to weight train and push themselves beyond their limits. They train together and push each other to bring out the best version of themselves in the process. With that in mind they both find that regular gym fashion doesn't really hit that spot of encouragement, determination, and honesty that they want to portray.

They both have gone through some difficult circumstances. Aras incurred in a horrific motorbike accident in 2016, where he didn't know if he could walk again. Aras still suffers since his accident with the effects of his injuries, but he keeps a strong mindset and doesn't allow this to affect his training. Natalie battled through an unfortunate past relationship but overcame it with strength and now keeps busy by juggling work, raising two children and making time for keeping fit. Natalie wants to inspire parents that working on yourself should always be a priority to inspire our children for a healthy lifestyle.




From the creators

" Through Darkness Comes Strength. Our tagline, which holds so much meaning to our brand but also how we have used our past challenges to create something powerful and unique. We want to show others that anything is possible if you put your mind and energy into it and not let the past define who you are. 

We wanted to put our stamp in the gym fashion industry and share with others that are like-minded and looking to grow for themselves. Men, Women, all ethnicity and ages: with us no one is left behind. We stand by helping and encouraging each other to push through the dark and become the best version of who we are. We all have it in us and the gym or a sport we love is the perfect place to face our demons." 





The Darmus logo

The logo is a Ram Skull with the Viking symbol "strength" lined within the face of the skull.


Why a ram?

The ram signifies determination, power and leadership. The ram does not fear failure, knowing that it's a necessary training ground for greater things to come. As you take charge in your own life you will inspire others to get out of their comfort zone and live a more unintimidated life. Hold high standards for yourself without falling into perfectionism. Stay focused and steadfast on your path. Honouring where your abilities lie in the moment as you strive to reach higher. When you find yourself in new circumstances, bravely take action without hesitation because opportunities can disappear quickly.

When we found this when looking what to have as our logo, we fell in love and knew the Ram was perfect for our brand and what we represent. We decided to have a ram skull instead of a typical ram head because it gives a darker edge and gothic concept. The Viking symbol for strength brings the logo to life and what we stand for: Because without strength, how do we grow?





Darmus Core Values



Being determined to achieve your goals and never give up.



Only you can change to progress in something great. Darmus wants to give you confidence in enabling your aspirations.



We love keeping it real. Positivity and honesty will get you through tough challenges. Keeping it realistic with a strong mindset will make the inevitable possible.



Show up every day without fail. Stay motivated with wearing a brand with pride, feeling good whilst working out will show and inspire others.



Helping and encouraging each other to push beyond our limits. Together we can make a brand unique to the UK, let's tell a story and make it one no one will forget.



With all the above said, combining our values, your strongest self will empower. Be proud of how far you have come.





If you are looking for a new angle on gym fashion, find what you need here at Darmus.

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